Source Information Technology

SYSPRO Solutions Developed Properly

Manipulation – MAN

Manipulation of the SYSPRO data is a constant requirement. Specific SYSPRO master fields are periodically required to be re-structured due to aspects such as business growth and new strategies. These procedures will update the associated master files along with any occurrence of that master field throughout the transaction and history tables. This conversion process is based on a user defined cross reference which may be imported from “comma separated files” created using tools such as Microsoft® Excel®. Where necessary, these conversion procedures will merge data where many-to-one relationships exist. Updating of the master fields descriptions throughout SYSPRO is accommodated by this process.

The following conversion procedures have been included in the MAN product at this stage:
·  General Ledger code – GLAM
·  Stock Code – SCAM
·  Customer Code – ARAM
·  Supplier Code – APAM
·  Product Class – PCAM
·  Product Class based on Stock Code – SPAM
·  Warehouse Code – WHAM

NEW – See the new re-developed Cross Reference program now more efficient for those larger jobsVIEW INTRO

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VIEW MAN Installation and User Documentation

Bank Translation System – BTS

The Bank file Translation System (BTS) is an add-on facility to the SYSPRO EFT module. Designed to interact specifically with the Accounts payable (AP) supplier and Cash Book (CB) beneficiary electronic payments process, BTS provides the user with an interface between the SYSPRO EFT module and the various electronic banking services offered by major banking institutions.

VIEW BTS Installation and User Documentation

Bank Reconciliation System – BRS

The Bank Reconciliation System (BRS) translates the electronic statements from the associated financial institutions into a format that the BRS process may use accordingly.

Automatic Reconciliation Flagging:
BRS attempts to match the transactions from the translated electronic statement against the SYSPRO Cash Book transactions. When a correct match is determined, the relevant SYSPRO Cash Book transaction is flagged as reconciled. Un-reconciled bank statement transactions are stored by the BRS module for future matching attempts. All transactions, whether reconciled or not are represented on a series of reports which may be reprinted based on their batch numbers.

Manual Reconciliation Flagging:
Where duplicate entries prevent automatic reconciliation, manually select a statement transaction and a Cash Book and action the reconciliation of the SYSPRO Cash Book entry.
Select multiple bank statement transactions to be reconciled against a single SYSPRO Cash Book entry and vice versa.

Automatic Cash Book Transaction Creation:
Cash Book transactions are automatically generated in SYSPRO using a masking function which allows the user to specify specific matching rules. This masking functionality will also delete statement entries if not required.

Manual Cash Book Transaction Creation:
Generate Cash Book entries into SYSPRO from any of the selected bank statement transactions.

Generate SYSPRO AR Payments From Deposit Entries:
Deposit entries on the electronic statement may be used to quickly allocate payments against Customers in SYSPRO from within the BRS process. This process will also automatically generate the associated Cash Book entries and flag those as reconciled.

Full Audit Trail:
All activity carried out using this BRS process is written to an audit and may be printed as required.

VIEW BRS Installation and User Documentation

In Brief

Source Information Technology was established in 2000 and has been registered with SYSPRO as an approved developer since then. Development experience around the SYSPRO products go back to 1997. Our focus in becoming the service provider of choice has driven us to build a sustainable working relationship with SYSPRO. Besides being involved with assisting SYSPRO with specific core product related development, the OEM agreement signed with SYSPRO for the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) module serves to secure our commitment. Keeping up with SYSPRO’s core product development tools ensures that all of our packaged products stay current for future SYSPRO products.

NEW:   Check out the product usage video tutorials